
Monday, April 20, 2009

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Let the Right One In... it's the right one alright.

We have a lot of vampire films lately. Vampire movies have evolved in so many ways. From the goth dominatrix of Underworld to sparkling daylight vampires of Twilight. Even cable TV has its own version of vampires with True Blood. Recently, there's this new swedish bloodsuckers' movie in a fresher view; Let the Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in).

Let the Right One In is a film adaptation of a novel with the same title by John Ajvide Lindqvist under the direction of Tomas Alfredson. The author of the novel also did the screenplay of the movie. It tells a story of a frequently bullied 12-year old boy Oskar (Kare Hedebrant) who've met Eli (Lina Leandersson), a strange girl who recently transferred next door. Oskar has no idea who Eli really is.

This film proves that they can put chills and put the audiences at the edge of their seat without the flashy budget and visual effects of Hollywood nor the shimmering bodies of the cold blooded bloodsuckers,. There's also romance between Oskar
and Eli without the icky cheesy feeling of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen from Twilight. The puppy love here is similar to My Girl; sweet, tragic but creepy... and better.

The cinematography fits the mood of the movie. It is subtle but haunting. Every frame is a captivating photograph.

Let the Right One In is so good, Hollywood will have a remake of it. Everybody knows that they are famous for ruining most of the remakes. Before they make a hollywood version, I suggest to watch the original first.

Is Oskar a meal to be really special to Eli or is he more than that? Watch the movie to find out.

Visuals: 4/5 stars
Intellect: 4/5 stars
Plot: 5/5 stars

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