Klingons, Vulcans, Romulans, Enterprise, James Kirk, Spock… I think everyone knows now what I’m talking about. It’s Star Trek, sillies! If they don’t have a basic idea what Star Trek is, then they better do their research because Star Trek is now back on track.
Casting young stars for Star Trek made me dubious on how this movie will come out. Everybody is more familiar with William Shatner as Captain James Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock. This is also a movie that no one should mess with because of its large fanbase. Nobody messes with Star Trek fans because they can pulverize the movie outfit with their blasters.
I was not THAT interested to watch Star Trek but everyone who watched the film was raving. I decided to watch the film and to my surprise, I loved the movie. Saying that the movie is good is an understatement, it is AWESOME. Almost everything I like to see in a movie, Star Trek gave it to me. Adventure, drama, wit, action and visual effects, they are all in this movie.
Star Trek didn’t even made me burn my butt for sitting too long. There has so many great movies like “The Dark Knight” but most of them are just damn too long to watch. Even those movies still have hohumm moments. In Star Trek, they have balanced the action and the drama. Just like what everyone wants in a sci-fi, a lot of space action and just right character depth in a span of two hours. Beat that.
The actors played their roles very well. Kudos to Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto for their excellent rapport and performance. I never thought that a boy-next-door type actor Chris Pine can give justice as Capt. Kirk, or Zachary Quinto be Spock and not as Sylar. It’s their typecast but they have broken it with Star Trek. I saw Kirk in Chris and Spock in Zachary (amidst the raising eyebrow of Zachary which is so Sylar). And yeah, Eric Bana and Winona Ryder is in this film too and I am not aware of that.
Star Trek is a must watch movie for this year. A fan or not, this movie is for all. And saying Star Trek is a good film is an understatement. Star Trek is so good, guess who’ll be in its sequel.
Visuals: 4/5 starsIntellect: 4/5 stars
Plot: 5/5 stars